Writer(s): Shawn Gabborin
Artist Name(s): Pencils/Inks: Michela Da Sacco, Colors: Yann Perrelet
Cover Artist(s): Pencils/Inks: Michela Da Sacco, Colors: Yann Perrelet
The Bodega Bay party goes sour when a dead body turns up. Now, as the remaining teens search the Inn for their missing friends, the Puppets increase the body count! But are the Puppets working on their own accord or is there a new Master in the shadows? Charles Band’s legendary Puppets continue their first comic rampage in over 20 years!!
– Story Centric cover: Artist- Michela Da Sacco, Colors- Yann Perrelet
– Tunneler cover: Artist- Michela Da Sacco, Colors- Yann Perrelet
– Tunneler Sketch cover: Artist- Michela Da Sacco
– Tunneler Photo cover
32 pgs. / Mature readers /FC $3.99/ $4.99 (Variant)