It’s now official, The X-Files is getting a six episode revival at Fox with David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson set to reprise their roles of Fox Mulder and Dany Scully.
“X-Files” is a natural, as the show about FBI sleuths investigating instances of paranormal activity is tailor-made for social media obsession — even if it hails from an earlier TV era. “X-Files” had a nine-season run on Fox from 1993-2002. It spawned two feature films, 1998’s “The X-Files: Fight the Future” and 2008’s “The X-Files: I Want to Believe.” – via Variety
How did all of this come to pass? When Anderson appeared on Chris Hardwick’s Nerdist Podcast, the two started talking about how great it would be for the show to return, which prompted Hardwick to start a Twitter campaign that trended high enough for Fox executives to start the big wheels rolling.
Though an airdate has yet to be announced, fans are already gearing up for their first watch party. Or are they?
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Having never watched any X-Files I am not sure I want to start doing that now. If it is a good “jumping on point” and I hear good things, maybe I will get into it.
There is alot to this show. If you want to jump in, that’s fine, may I suggest the first movie. Otherwise, start from episode one and go foward.
If you want to be more precise, there are several sites mentioning the “main” story episodes and the monster of the week episode. Personally, there aren’t that many skip-able episodes to begin with.
So please, go enjoy!
I have always loved the X-Files and that particular series has an amazing amount of ways to stay relevant and important. I understand many think that there were many missteps. I didn’t like most either. However, all can be treated as a larger world and does not have to be the end-all over a few episodes.
I hate how if a show has a “bad episode” its going to be canceled. A story, a good story, has many twists and turns. Not all turns are expected much less liked.
I am truly anxious to see more of this world I grew up with, especially since I recently started watching them with my kids. A lot of there shows like Gravity Falls rely heavily on X-Files, its fun to see them connect the dots.
what a fantastic time to be alive
I really loved the X-Files the first time around, but it really fell apart at the end when Duchovny left and they tried like hell to breathe new life into the concept. The show didn’t burn out so much as fade away. The ’08 film wasn’t that great, even with the Duchovny and Anderson together again. I fear this will be a case of ‘You can’t go home again,’ and I’m not particularly excited about X-Files coming back. Perhaps they will surprise me, but I just don’t feel like it has anywhere to go. Maybe Mulder is a 9-11 Truther and is trying to expose that conspiracy?
I voted no. Don’t get me wrong, I did enjoy the series and the first movie, and I have high hopes for the comic series, but after the most recent movie (DO NOT WATCH IT!), I worry it won’t have a proper “X-Files” feel. I worry they will try too hard to recapture the old show or divert too far from the lore of the setting and end up with something that just has the name slapped on rather than trying to take the franchise and give it something new that still fits the setting.
I wasn’t on board with the original episodes . I have no interest in them making more.
The show sort of lost steam at the end. I am not that excited about the revival
I voted no, not being an X-Files fan. But I like that Fox listened to fans and are planning to reward them. I especially like that it sounds like it will be a limited series, not trying for 6 years and a movie. The more modest goal could allow them to tell strong, tight stories without having to resort to filler and bloat. Additionally, if it works out well, Fox could use this to reach out to some of its other old shows and give them limited runs: Action!, Alcatraz, Alien Nation, Andy Richter Controls the Universe, Brimstone, Brisco County Jr, The Critic, Dark Angel, Doll House, Greg the Bunny, Keen Eddie, Millennium, Profit, Sliders, Space Above and Beyond, Terminator: SCC, Titus, Werewolf, Wonderfalls
I wonder if this wasn’t in part motivated by the huge mistake they made throwing away Arrested Development to Netflix
If it’s less mythology and more well done freak of the week then a tentative .. yees?
I agree with you – X-Files was at its best when it was a one-off, Kolchak the Nightstalker-type show. The continuing alien plot throughout the series eventually got too cumbersome. I think the proposed 6-episode limited series is a good way to go.
I kinda don’t care. I never really had any real attachment to the show. I’m sure it’s great for those who were into it, but… well, back then, my age was single-digit. I cared more about after school shows and saturday mornings than primetime TV. ^-^;
That is how my youngest brother was, but he did enjoy “The Lone Gunmen” (both the episodes of X-Files with them and their short lived series) and the first X-Files movie.