In this installment of Critical Hit – A Major Spoilers Dungeons and Dragons Podcast: The party find themselves deep in Cragmaw Hideout!
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If you put this 5e campaign in the VIP section for $10 per I would commit tomorrow. Keep Ket and the Ketts on Crit Hit everybody wins !
If you look at the goals, you will see there is another gaming podcast just waiting for the right number of members to sign up.
If it’s an RPG I would be in! Table top…… well… no.? But if 6000 VIP happens +1!!
One demand, use the DMG’s tables as your “canned” adventure instead of the Tyranny adventure path. They don’t line up level wise and the DMG combined with Rob’s worldbuilding is infinitely more compelling.
First, thank you for your comments! We appreciate them. Second, you can make demands, but it doesn’t mean that they will happen (there are very few exceptions to this). And finally, we finished recording 5e content back in December, so I don’t think your suggestion is going to happen in this campaign ;) Thanks again for listening!
Please do not give any weight to an off hand “demand” I wish I had chosen a different off hand way if expressing that. I just like the podcast (5e Rob) enough to back it. That’s my point.
Good to know. Let’s hope when we get there, you’ll join up.
I went back and listened to multiple hours of moaning and mashing and “half a decade later we learn the rules!” And “just read me what the power says” and then listened to final choices and Rodrigo’s epilogue. For the 3/4 Orc , I just signed up for $5 recurring. Best money I have spent since the holiday.
Thanks for a great show, hope we get that radio drama one day!
This is a great little side campaign as we wait so very patiently to get back to our other campaign. Matthew gets extra bonus points from me for his two warner brothers quotes he threw in this episode. Keep up the great work, and here’s hoping Adriana finally starts rolling better.
I’m fairly new to the podcast, and I was curious if the preferred playstyle of the group is due to being more used to 4e. The gameplay seems to be a lot more centered around mechanics than roleplay. For example, the adventure book discusses ways to roleplay Klarg, having him yell things like, “Klarg will feast on your bones!” but there was none of that during the combat. After the combat was over, I was a little surprised that the GM just up and told the players what reward they would receive for returning the stolen goods to the shop in Phandalin (unless they were told previously by an NPC, and I just missed it). I’m not saying that it’s wrong, it’s just a very different style from which I’m used to.
If this module is played as written, the story could easily stretch into multiple game sessions. 8 or more if all hooks are followed. This story ends in a TPK or an off the rails sunset ending. We would be listening to these characters through the spring if Rob didn’t alter the script. That’s not in the cards. More tales to be told! Haza!
5 out of 5 goblin heads.
S´ happens. Im just glad we are getting what we get.
Brian should get 10,000 inspiration every episode :)
Another really fun episode – you can hear how much the guys are enjoying it. I’m starting to appreciate each of the characters a bit more, so it will be sad to see them go when this series ends.
I was surprised at how readily they dealt with Klarg… my own players found that a very tough fight.
No! That sucks that the audio got lost! Oh well, stuff happens.
Listening to this particular adventure is really helpful in prepping for my campaign. I’m borrowing from a page out of Rob’s stories – I’m going to be running a 5e campaign where the entire party is comprised of halflings. So hearing 5e in practice from a group whose realplays I listen to and enjoy is a definite bonus to my (hopefully awesome) DM skills for 5e.
And I like the new end buffer for Major Spoilers!
I think everyone is doing a great job in this campaign (not the dice-rolling so much), but I wanted to commend Matthew in particular for being spot-on with his humor. Back on the Triboar trail, I genuinely laughed when he said, “Horses are always difficult terrain.” The joke was no-sold by the group because a lot of stuff was going on, but every time I listen to the episode (more times than is probably healthy) I laugh out loud.
Thanks again for the episode!
You are welcome!