In this installment of Critical Hit – A Major Spoilers Dungeons and Dragons Podcast: The party arrives in Phandalin!
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Scurrilous – Abusive, slanderous. “I approach the priest who seems to be the oldest and most scurrilous.” This probably isn’t the priest the characters want to speak with.
Stringent – Strict, rigorous. “Abandoned is such a stringent sort of word.” Ummmmmm I don’t think this is what you want to say…
Recalcitrant – Unruly, disobedient Usually used to describe uncooperative subordinates. “That explains why he was so recalcitrant before.” Perhaps Matthew meant reluctant or hesitant?
Has Matthew been reading a dictionary?… not that there is anything wrong with that.
Actually, stringent is probably what I meant to say, though I don’t recall the context, as we recorded this late at night several months ago…
Just me being a douch. Enjoyable episode!
Naaah, it’s cool. Malogog is intentionally over-syllabic, so I’ll blame it on him. ;)
Uh, actually, it´s spelled “douche”. Maybe you should read a dictionary.
The crow murder joke cracked me up.
It cracked me up just because it seemed like most didn’t catch it,…. or didn’t want to give him credit for it. Either way priceless Mathew.
“What do you need a bear trap for?”
“Oh, I just always wanted to see one.”
ROFL! Another fun episode guys, good luck against the Cragmaw goblins!
Although… Listening to the podcast again… a party of adventurers show up in town saying Gundrin was killed on the road and carrying his saddle bags. They can’t provide the body because it was ‘eaten by goblins’ and claim themselves to have been attacked by goblins. The first thing they do it go to the local store keeper and ask to be paid… Sounds kinda fishy… If Gundrin is dead he could as easily have been killed by the adventurers as by these alleged Goblins. Did the storekeeper expect them? Probably not but he was expecting Gundrin… I hope no one starts asking difficult questions
Great point, Ron. You leave out the demon spawn and orc are the one’s doing all this.
I chalk it up to game tone choice. You could see a world in which everyone would be coming down on them, but it is not necessary.
Maybe a town under the boot of a gang is a place where you don’t ask a lot of questions. Maybe this is a fairly four-color fantasy setting where it is easy to spot the really bad guys.
Great Episode Gang,
I love the new characters! I also love the synergy between rodrigo and matts characters. Also, Rodrigo as much as I love you as a DM, currently you are killing me as your character, that bear trap line was hilarious. Keep up the great work everyone!
Another brilliant show! i am blown away by the role play and character work you all are putting in. Thanks to all, can’t wait till next weeks goblin hunt!
It would be great fun to have Matthew as DM for a session or two!
Great Episode! Excellent role playing. Rob does a great job as DM by allowing adequate time for the experienced players to interact, while also keeping them on track. It is a lot of fun listening to Rodrigo as a player; he is quick on his feet and really brings a lot of depth to his character. Solid role playing by everyone else as usual. I really like the uninterested depressed character Adriana plays – I might have to make a character with a similar persona for my next DnD game. Matthew and Rodrigo have some excellent role playing chemistry. Thanks for the inspiration and entertainment.
It’s great listening to this because I’m currently DMing LMoP online. It’s very interesting hearing a different take on the adventure, especially from a group that I “know” (after listening to 280 episodes).
Also, I really hope the bear trap comes back up later in combat.
The dogma of Myrkul:
“Know me and fear me. My embrace is for all and is patient but sure. The dead can always find you. My hand is everywhere – there is no door I cannot pass, nor guardian who can withstand me.”
“Myrkul’s priests were expected to spread the word that touching a priest of Myrkul brings death. They were expected to tell all folk that those in the service of Myrkul had perfect patience and could be trusted utterly – then conduct themselves accordingly.”
From the Forgotten Realms wiki.