In this installment of Critical Hit – A Major Spoilers Dungeons and Dragons Podcast: Allies return to the Spring Wood.
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Did I miss Trelle telling the boys about the Baltinok? I know she mentioned it to them in the fen of winters, but I dunno it sounded to me like they knew more about it than I remember being told. I mean it’s perfectly possible that I just forgot about it or that Trelle told them in an off-podcast conversation.
Great episode though, honestly one of the best in my opinion.
It doesn’t look like any of the CH wikis out there has gotten around to making any pages about the Baltinok and references to him. At some point I’d like to go back and listen to all of the times he’s actually come up and Trelle has either talked about or with him, but there’s so many episodes that it’s hard to keep track. I didn’t specifically remember her describing him to the party in that degree of detail, either, but Adriana is usually exceedingly protective of the relationship between Trelle and the Baltinok, so if she was ok with everyone talking about it I imagine it’s legit.
In the Fen of Winter, shortly before the Queen Magnet Device was used, it was discussed. I do not recall the extent of that conversation however.
This episode had a little of everything, it was awesome!
Rodrigo… you are so freaking awesome!! That song man… that song…
I’m terrified thinking about the season finale now. Good job guys!
I DON’T KNOW WHAT TO DO!!! I HAVE CAUGHT UP TO THE PODCAST!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! Time to go back and listen all over again. Just bought a house and binge listening the hours and hours and hours and hours of painting away is keeping me sort of sane.
A.k.a. the episode in which many tragic deaths in the season finale were foreshadowed. Last season we lost Belbina and Sir Brinson. Who will we lose this season? There are a lot of Rivendorns and cute fighter-y animals up on the chopping block.
And they were never heard from again!
Yeah, that keeps haunting me too
For some reason, that warning has never struck me as terrifying as the players/characters seem to take it. If there were childrens’ stories about the Pentatheon, the void gods, or the Dark Council, most of those stories regarding “normal people” would probably also end with them never being heard from again. To whatever degree the Greater Fey are powerful, the party has engaged, made bargains, and even fought with (and prevailed) against entities of equal or greater power.
On the other hand, those six months with the Hogba did sort of…fly by….
if they get the Hogba involved hopefully most of the tragic deaths will be imaginary soldiers.
did anybody actually catch the whole lyrics to the song, i cant quite understand the second verse. would love to see the whole thing writen down
My best guess
never last (I have trouble catching this line the most)
and never spring
words unsaid
and gifts returned
iron sword
silver spoon
I hope you will forgive me soon
friendship lost
love dissolved
none relenting
none absolved
by the ever shifting moon
I hope you will forgive me soon
Yeah, that’s about the jist of what I caught from the song as well. It was pretty damn unsettling. Quite the creepy chant that is. Something tells me there’s a lot more to them than meets the eye.
And yeah, this episode is really hyping up the coming finale. It’s been what, a hundred episodes of lead up? Still, if anybody could pull it off, it’s this lovable band of miscreants.
Lover lost and lover spurned,
Words unsaid and gifts returned
Iron sword, silver spoon,
I hope you will forgive me soon
Friendship lost, love dissolved,
None relenting, none absolved
By the ever-shifting moon
I hope you will forgive me soon
(The song kind of reminds me of the filial love between Orem and his father, since their closeness was dissolved since their fight. I’m surprised that Orem is still calling him “Father.”)
TIL people cannot understand Rodrigo when he’s singing in his hedgehog voice.
Also, TIL other people were really interested in a part of the episode that I did not care about very much/at all.
There’s a lesson to be learned in that second point…
Very good lesson to be learned, in fact. Not sure if you meant in general or at me, specifically, but it is definitely something to keep in mind while listening.
Thanks for bringing back angry Torq in this episode, Matt. He doesn’t come out often, but he’s always a force to be reckoned with when he appears.
Not at anyone in general. :)
Angry Torq kind of reminds me of pissed-off Ironhide from the original Transformers cartoon, with just a little more backwoods in the voice.
Glad you caught that, thanks!
There was mention of it being a really old song and powerful, it was interesting that Pop mentioned it so there’s gotta be something more to it.
we need an extra episode that is just all of the songs parts and then the whole song… i wonder if tex has a part, it is an old song which suggests that it was originally a four part male choir piece.
Did I completely miss an episode which discussed the musical history of hedgehogs in the feywild? Where did the 4 part male choir piece thing come from?
from my knowledge of old music. in old peices such as panis angelicus the higher parts were sung by young males. The reason i say four parts is because the hedgehogs had four different pitches. I think. It just makes more sense to me tbh.
Also if Orem’s dad had heard of it, and more importantly cared about it, then the song must be of eladrin descent, eladrin culture is based on real life arts/etiquette for the most part so it kind of makes a bit more sense for it to follow old music from the real world.
Just my deductions.
Aha the “official lyrics” have been posted