In this installment of Critical Hit – A Major Spoilers Dungeons and Dragons Podcast: Out of the frying pan, and into the fire, as the team finishes one battle, only to find themselves in a mess of a mess… and it’s not going to get better.
NOTE: Level 14 character sheets are now available at and the Critical Hit Logo T-Shirts are indeed at
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I gotta know, who blinked? Don’t you guys know, Don’t blink! Blink and your dead.
Another great episode! Can’t wait for you to finally take down Spud
Fun episode, if (as Stephen said) a little short. Given the DC and the burning of so many action points in the encounter with the oozes, you could just hear the despair settling over the party. This episode quickly went from “How are we going to escape?!?” to “What happens when we don’t?” Either way, as expected, this episode had some great moments, and it was wonderful to hear another skill challenge. I love the creative thinking and mechanics-oriented roleplay that comes out of them
Apropos of nothing in particular, on tumblr Rodrigo recently discussed the challenges of selecting epic destinies given the friction between their very specific descriptions on exiting the world and the tension between those exits and picking one with the flavor and skills you find appealing. In the context of that, I was wondering what level the party is these days and if there are plans to update the character sheets for MVPs every couple of levels. Are you guys going to do a round table dedicated to discussing epic destinies like you did with paragon paths? I’m re-listening to the Celestial Crusade and just hit the paragon path episode, so I’d love to hear the group’s thoughts on the next tier.
Assuming, of course, that Orem doesn’t end up being a squishy pile of goo (with beautifully coifed hair) after the next episode.
Thank you for another great episode.
Amazing how you guys keep the tension after soo many shows.