In this installment of Critical Hit – A Major Spoilers Dungeons and Dragons Podcast: We dive once again into the Major Spoilers Mailbag to answer your questions.
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Not exactly what I was looking forward to this morning, but still great to hear the emails. :)
Yeah, I was expecting a mailbag. I enjoy hearing the team out of character – they’re good eggs, and it’s awesome to see a big effort to tackle the mail! Now about that Hogba… ; )
I was sad to cut away from the main story but I have to say, this was probably one of my favorite mailbag episodes. <3
Well, today it finally happened… I started listening to Critical Hit almost exactly a year ago and today, after 12 months of yard work, wood working, cycling, commuting, being stuck in airports, and cooking, I am all caught up. Dang! Now what?
But seriously, I have a suggestion after listening to this weekend’s episode: What about a “members only” mailbag, where, in addition to you regular mailbags, you answer the email questions of your Gold, Silver, and/or Bronze members?
We have something kinda like that in the livechats. You can send your questions live while you watch or (a little bit) ahead of time and then watch them at if you can’t make it the day of.
I think the big question here is, did that guy who was asking for relationship advice last Mail Bag work out his problem and ask the girl out?! :O
“People who have this opinion I don’t agree with are idiots.”
One minute later:
“You should never call somebody something they don’t want to be called.”
Weird. Who knew there were folks out there that wanted to be called idiots?
The magic of paraphrasing…
Not that calling transphobic people (I think that’s the section you’re talking about) “idiots” is helpful, but the message they were conveying in answering that question is very clear.
Though, their response to that question went way beyond its initial intent. Unless Stephen completely misread the question, there was no hint of an implication that anyone was being teased, mistreated, etc. for being transgendered. The question was, “Rodrigo has a rule that your character’s gender must be the same as your own. I am transgendered, so what would Rodrigo require me to play?” The (very simple) answer to that is, “Play how you present.” Instead we got into a rambling answer about transphobia and social justice and Stephen’s oddly sheltered bit about not understanding why people don’t treat each other with respect all the time. Not that any of those answers were wrong, and not that they don’t need to be said, but they definitely weren’t part of the initial question.
I don’t use twitter, but I noticed Adriana posted on twitter her response to the character’s emotional interactions. She said something to the effect of “everyone else: acting!; me: I’m in therapy.” To the degree that I’m paraphrasing her paraphrasing herself, I wondered if she might be willing to share whether she has actually gone to her therapist *because of* character interactions. From her answer in this episode, I understood her to be saying, “I go to therapy, and, because D&D is a big part of my life, I have had to explain it to my therapist.” Not “I have gone to my therapist to discuss something that happened in D&D because it made me so upset.” If it is, in fact, the latter, would she be willing to share something about why those interactions have caused her such distress and how she’s handled it? Rather personal, but I’m curious.