Video game adaptation of Bill Willingham’s Fables from Vertigo, The Wolf Among Us, was a smash hit from TellTale Games when it released in the fall of 2013. Fans having been waiting for the second episode of the story to release and next week they will get their wish, but now everyone will have to suffice with a trailer.
A small dose of NSFW content is in the video, just to give you a heads up.
The Wolf Among Us Episode 2 Red Band Trailer
What violent shenanigans will Bigby get up to this time?
I have yet to play The Wolf Among Us, even though I have heard great things about it. If Wolf Among Us is anywhere close to as good The Walking Dead from TellTale games then I can only assume it is top notch.
Have you played The Wolf Among Us and can’t wait to play the second episode? Intrigued to pick it up the first episode now that you have seen the trailer? Let us know in the comments below!
1 Comment
I am incredibly excited for this. Episode 1 was really good and this is looking to be no less!