Take a look at the next issue of The Punisher sent directly to us from the fine folks at Marvel Comics.
Art & Cover by MITCH GERADS
Variant Cover by JEROME OPENA
From blockbuster writer Nathan Edmondson and red-hot artist Mitch Gerads – a lead on a major source of guns and drugs finds Punisher hot on the tail of the Dos Soles gang. But when he finds himself in the crosshairs of dozens of armed thugs – they’ll find the Punisher isn’t so easily dispatched! Now, with the help of some unlikely allies (including a coyote), the stage is set for Frank to wage his war on crime on the streets of L.A. – if he lives that long! Los Angeles is also home to some of the Marvel Universe’s big baddies, and you’ll never believe who’s turf Frank just stepped on!
The Punisher #2 arrives February 19, 2014.