In this installment of Critical Hit: A Major Spoilers Dungeons and Dragons Podcast: The Party takes a break, while a kitten has an incredible adventure! It’s bloody fun (or disgusting)!
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So much awesome in this episode, where do I even begin? Ket’s Egg-baby situation is primed and ready for puns (egg-stortion, egg-splinations, egg-scuses, egg-setera).
So much awsome. SO MUCH. Cannot contain my squee.
I think a new plot line is hatching…
Randus X Wicker Gnat. Time to write some fan fics!
Based on the questions she was asking Randus, I think Gnat is interested in Ket…
Which makes things interesting considering she saw Ket walking back to his room, apparently butt-nekked, covered in runes, with an egg.
Loved the episode. Orem and his flaming sword +1 of kill your friends, Ket’s spirit egg – all brilliant.
Just one thing that bothered me – Trelle’s new armor, I loved how she got it but Rodrigo said it was +3 Counterstrike Darkhide? Doesn’t Darkhide have a minimum enhancement of +4? Did he mean +3 Counterstrike Earthhide?
you’re right. I was incorrect, you’ll hear the retraction, like 5 episodes from now.
I have a feeling there will be new clan soon, the Guardian ginger kittens.
Also I like forward to the evil trell chicken.
This episode is just so perfect. I love it. I love it all.
Also I think we got at least 4 new ships from this episode alone.
The blood related puns were epic. :D
Thank you so much for one of the funniest episodes ever :)
Has anyone here read His Dark Materials? because it sounds to me like Ket is getting a daemon.
I’ve listened to this episode twice. I’m still confused about the kitten reference. Could somebody explain the deal with the kitten footprints?
Torq found a kitten while he was exploring the city.
I guess I overlooked that. Thanks Rob.
“Its hold itself together with the power of your disgust.” Is the best description ever.
So much awesome!! You were all amazing this episode, and for the first time in months you had me laughing out loud. All of the blood puns were the best, but what actually happened was so interesting. And Rodrigo’s ability to tie it all together is sheer genius.
I guess I never thought about it before, but referring to Torq as a Paladin is actually pretty close to truth. I was thinking of him as a Fighter/Cleric multi-class, which I guess by the rules he is, but from an in-game NPC perspective he definitely *would* come across as a Paladin. So cool.
Keep it up lady & gents!
I’m surprised that no one made a Torqeltones reference when everyone wanted to sing to the evil Trelle vomiting chicken egg!
I believe the correct billing is “Kitten & Torq”
brian’s quiet “..or mother?” you can hear him barely keeping from laughing. #1 humor.
Wait, when did Kill Your Friends talk to Ket? I don’t remember that.
Just finished this episode and can’t believe a Yu Yu Hakusho Puu reference wasn’t made.