You may have noticed that Beware the Batman wasn’t on your list of shows this week. That’s because the show isn’t on Cartoon Network anymore. Weird, huh? Beware the Batman began airing just over three months ago, and already it’s been yanked.
When asked, Cartoon Network, simply responded with “Currently, ‘Beware the Batman’ is no longer on our air. DC Nation will continue on Saturday mornings at 10/9c with new exclusive shorts and a full hour of encore episodes of ‘Teen Titans Go!'”
There were reports that the show would return in January, but we haven’t been able to confirm this. Someone close to the show did mention to me a few weeks ago that he was currently between projects.
I was only able to watch an episode or two, and ratings may have played a part in the show being removed. Then again, I haven’t seen any Beware the Batman toys in the toy aisle at our local store, and we’ve seen how networks yank animated series when the toy line doesn’t produce.
i am sorry to see it go. For once it was a very fresh take on a very familiar character.
While Alfred was modeled on Jason Stratham, it is not out of character for him to be a former military guy.
Katana as the sidekick was very fresh to see, especially with no matter which Robin they chose, fanboys would be angry.
Lastly, using non-traditional villains was also welcome.(I always did like the vastly underused Magpie).
We live in a world where only the Nolan Batman is considered “correct.” It’ll pass…
They can go F%#( themselves.
Which is very sad, as in my opinion Nolan Batman movies arent good at all. Second one was decent, two others just plain bad. My biggest problem is this so called “realism”, not so much what people can do, but the overall setting: Gotham doesnt feel or look like Gotham at all, just like any North American city. Wheres the early 20th century architecture, cathedrals, gargoyles etc.? THATS what makes Batman, atmospehere.
Bad sign for DC Comics when even Batman isn’t producing.
a Batman series not given at least a season?not good.
Does this mean that people, especially kids, are Batman-ed out?
I wonder if it’s another case involving Cartoon Network not believing in action/adventure shows, while comedy seems to thrive.
It was just beginning to find its feeds. Sad to see it go :(
I am surprised. Not because it was cancelled, but because Cartoon Network just pulled the bandage off and didn’t drag it out. I really did expect them to go the Young Justice route and have multiple hiatus with a month between episodes and change the time slot multiple times. As in going from Tuesday… to Friday evening… to Saturday morning…. and so forth. Not being sarcastic or trollish. Cartoon Network has a horrible habit of doing that. I am surpised they didn’t take Teen Titans Go! and Batman and move it to Friday evening or something.
Wasn’t a big fan of the series, but I at least enjoyed it more than “Teen Titans Go”.
I had an appreciation for the show, especially considering that it was definitely using the (near) post-Crisis roster of Batman Villains: Magpie, Anarky, Pyg and Toad, Ras al Ghul, et al. I think I’d read elsewhere that it already had 20+ episodes produced, so we are looking at a hiatus with no (or a partial-season) revival.
The most interesting thing about this TV take on Batman was that it was definitely the most ‘fighty-fighty’.
wow. really? cartoon network cancelling another DC cartoon? Seriously, DC should find a better network partner. The whole “DC Nation” block isn’t really working out, is it?
I was thinking the same, hoping that they could partner up with another network.
I don’t feel that all the series are getting a fair shake on CN. Teen Titans Go is played not only during the DC Nation block on Saturday and Sunday, but also on various nights through the week. I don’t recall seeing Batman outside the DC Nation except maybe once or twice (it may have been more, but it was barely a blip compared to how often they air Teen Titans Go).
Sorry but I didn’t like the concept of Alfred Statham. And I think that is why the ratings were not good because the grown up animated series Batman fans like me didn’t give it a chance. I’ve seen enough new takes on the Batman. I would rather see something that is more in line with his roots much like the Animated Series before the red pants 30″ tall robin .
So, obviously, the solution is to produce 15 different Batman series concurrently, and let the ratings vote on the winners, a la American Idol.
I was just getting to it. Maybe there will be a direct to dvd coming out.
I blame everything on Disney.