As usual, I’m behind in getting my comic book order for the month into my regional comic book shop. Over the last couple of years, my shop owner has noticed that I’m not ordering as many titles as I had previously. Which got me wondering, about your pull list.
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Stephen Schleicher
Stephen Schleicher began his career writing for the Digital Media Online community of sites, including Digital Producer and Creative Mac covering all aspects of the digital content creation industry. He then moved on to consumer technology, and began the Coolness Roundup podcast. A writing fool, Stephen has freelanced for Sci-Fi Channel's Technology Blog, and Gizmodo. Still longing for the good ol' days, Stephen launched Major Spoilers in July 2006, because he is a glutton for punishment. You can follow him on Twitter @MajorSpoilers and tell him your darkest secrets...
Don’t have a pull list.
Here in foreign-ville it’s difficult to get a hold of comics in the original english, so i tend to stick to comixology nowadays.
For me I would probably have more on my actual list if I was closer to a brick and mortar shop. But I usually, until Comixology started their subscription deal, would have to remember to go out and get them from the website.
Stephen you should probably have quantified this with either physical or rented digital copy.
No need. A pull list is a pull list.
I’ve never had a pull list. I’ve never stuck with anything long enough to warrant it – I’m just a “show up and grab what looks good” kind of guy.
I have, in the past, had a pull list, but after having tried very hard to figure out where to put all of my boxes of old comics, I have decided to go completely digital… which works fine for me, since I was a rather spotty comic book buyer before that.
My pull lists consists of Batman, Detective Comics, Aquaman, Justice League and Justice League of America, all from the New 52. On the Marvel side, The Superior Spider-Man, Cable and X-Force, Uncanny Avengers and All-New X-men.
I am fairly new to comics, so I do not have a pull list. I usually get comics from the quarter bin.
I hate putting stuff on my pull list because then I’m committed to it. So I only ever add stuff that you HAVE to order to get (TMNT, Conan, Saga, etc). Batman and that sort of thing I just buy when and if it looks interesting.
The good thing nowadays is that if you miss an issue, Comixology is there to fill in the gaps.
I don’t have a pull list, never did. I don’t dare because if I had one, I’d probably only ever add titles to it. And because I’d hate to stop collecting anything I had started, I would gradually become broke. Buried in comics, mind you, but broke.
It was picking up close to 50+ books when I started buying again when DC’s New 52 began. But now I’m only getting a little over 30 books, and that not including limited series that I am getting like Atomic Robo.
I am also lucky that I can have pull lists at two comic book stores where I live.
I’m in the same boat. Damn New 52. That’s what got me back to regular pull list. I’m paring back though…slowly…
I try to maintain a pull list of about 5 titles a month.
It bloated a bit during the new 52 explosion but the die-off of some titles is quickly restoring me to normal.
As it stands, I have about 15 monthly books, but I’m constantly trying to cut back. Unfortunately, much to my wife’s chagrin, I’m fiercely weak willed, and keep replacing rather than cutting.
I don’t have a pull list, the nearest comic shop is more than an hour away, and I don’t make it there very often. Not even once a month these days.
My “pull list” started many years ago with me pulling my own books in the store I ran. Then went to another store with over 250 books a month on the list, then slowly over time and with growing dislike of the books and the direction of the companies it dwindled down to about 50 regular books…….then 52 hit and I decided it was time to get out of the whole thing all at once right now I pull about 5 independent books on a regular basis., and that’s it.
My pull list generally hovers around 15 give or take.
My pull list stays at 5. It used to be more in the past sometimes getting up to 10. But now I only pull 5 physical books of the comics I want to collect in full runs. Anything I want to read, I now buy digitally.
I have a budget of $10 / week, so that’s max 3 titles a week, and about 10 / month in total. I only follow two ongoing series (East of West / Saga) the rest are just mini series
I was using comixology, but last month, something divine happened. A comic shop opened in town. Not only are they in town, they are one block away from my house. After 26 years of not having a comic shop within driving distance, I now have one within walking distance. I felt obligated to slap as many titles as I can afford into my pull folder, interesting or not, just to support these guys.
They use a different type of pull list at my local store. They have whatever comes out that week a day or two online before they hit stores. You fill things out once a week that way.
I’ve had to cut way back due to lack of space and money. I’m focusing on trades now.
I’ve never had a proper pull list. I usually have no idea what I’m going to get until I actually walk into the comic shop.
I did, however, have a friend who ran a comic shop I used to frequent that would set things aside because he (or his wife) thought I’d like it. It wasn’t anything I specifically asked for, and more often than not a few things were put back out once I came in, but since I only got the chance to visit every other month or so, it was nice of them to try putting stuff aside just so I wouldn’t miss out.
I used to have 30 – 45 per month, but with DC Nu52 and Marvel NOW, I’m down to about 7 regular titles, and just a couple tpb (walking dead, Fable, Marvel Oz adaption, Saga).
Thanks Marvel and DC. You’re current leadership and poor directions are saving me $100 per month!
I used to have a pull list but found the physical copies were taking up too much room in my house. Now I’m all digital + trades/hardcovers.