In an interview with MSN Movies, director of Amazing Spider-Man 2 Marc Webb was asked to comment on the rumors that actor Colm Feore would be playing the Vulture in the movie. His answer? No.
Webb’s full quote was, “No. He’s not playing that guy.” Could this mean that the Sinister Six lineup that everyone keeps talking about is ruined? Eh, maybe not considering Webb doesn’t mention who Feore will be playing and it must be a secret to keep it that close to his chest.
Webb could also be pulling a Star Trek Into Darkness and just be denying the Vulture so that we can all be “surprised” when he appears on screen. For his sake, I would hope he wouldn’t do that after seeing the backlash that followed Into Darkness for pulling that trick.
The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Comic Con panel is later today so I would expect announcements and footage to be shown there. Make sure to stay here at Major Spoilers as we will give you the run down of what happens there.