The polls have been counted once again and the next step of the creation process is underway, so if you want to know what won and what’s next in the You Make the Card project, take the jump.
Well, unlike most of the previous votes, this round went decidedly to the choice of non-Aura Enchantment, and here is what that makes our card look like now.
For the next step, there’s not going to be a lot of discussion as what we all get to do is submit our ideas. What do you want to see the card do? If you have an idea, just head here. However, you definitely want to take your time and decide what you will submit, as any given person is only allowed one submission, and the first is the one that counts. This is so the poor souls looking at these can have a little less work to do than deal with 50 submissions for each of the tens of thousands participating. Wizards also has a bit more on the suggestions here, but we’re going to go into a little detail of our own as well.
Now, Black is the one color that can get away with doing just about anything within the game of Magic, for a price. Would you like to draw some cards? Pay with life or creatures. Steal someone’s stuff? Ok, we can do that. Discard? Easy. Creature kill? Done. About the only thing Black doesn’t do is deal with Enchantments, but that’s not a problem. Black is also selfish, it does not like to share and will be as greedy as possible. Almost anything that can be done in Magic, can be done by Black.
With all that in mind, go ahead and work up a few good ideas, and remember to let us know, so we can see all those ideas at work once the next vote comes to pass. And hurry up, everything has to be in tomorrow night.