The end of the world is near, and some of your favorite stars didn’t make it to the rapture in time. The red band trailer (that means naughty language for those of you at work with bosses that have a stick up their butt) for This is The End has arrived, and you can check it out, after the jump.
not happy with these rip off monkeys we have the worlds end out this year… and these jerks rush this out… it’s not from “the asylum” is it…
feels like it
People have similar ideas that are put into production all the time. And when you look at who is acting in this movie to say that they rushed this out to rip off The World’s End is near impossible based on the sheer logistics of schedules.
Lower tier talent in it for a short while and a girl who did harry potter, oh wait, that ended 2 years ago … what a cast to die for…
“Impossible based on the sheer logistics of schedules”
Oh zack your sweet you know that… trusting of these guys
One of these movies I will watch on opening day (the world’s end) and have been waiting for it since Hot Fuzz
Definitely with Zach on this one … never saw Pineapple Express, but I can’t wait for this. I will end up renting Worlds End even though I saw Shaun in the theaters 5 times and Hot Fuzz. This looks SO much better than Worlds End.
Actually Mark this is a full length adaptation of a short Seth Rogen and Jay Baruchel for back in 2007, so……
Looks and smell like rip off to me of well known about project. that been on the table since about the end of spaced in 2002…
The fact that He ripping it of twice is an even bigger insult and the fact that it’s a remake of his own film as well.
So where the two movies similar enough, did they both have a pub crawl?
Still haven’t forgiven Rogen for Green Hornet. So not a fan. Wouldn’t 7 bucks to see 2 minuets of Emma Watson.