As expected, Marvel has announced a new weekly comic book series that is part of the Marvel Comics Infinite Comics initiative launched last year. And as we guessed, Wolverine takes front and center.
The weekly series is going to be released every Tuesday (a day ahead of the comic book store titles), include four different 13-chapter series featuring one of Marvel’s biggest characters, and can be purchased through the marvel Comics app.
The first series will feature Wolverine, is set in Japan, and pits Wolverine against the Silver Samurai, and a number of other baddies, as a lead up to the Wolverine movie. Wolverine: Japan’s Most Wanted will be lead by Jason Latour, Jason Aaron, and Paco Diaz.
Yes, people are already snarking about how DC did the 52 thing first, but what they aren’t mentioning is that the new issues are released a day before any print comics hit the stands. Granted because this is part of the Infinite Comics VR thing, I don’t know if/when this will see a print collection, but Marvel must be thinking along those lines.
All the press i’ve seen doesn’t mention page count, so I don’t know if these digital first comics will be 22-pages in length, or the eight to nine page length that other digital first comics are doing.
1 Comment
As expected by whom?
Last I saw MS was leaning towards nothing more than a “dig” at the competition.