Leave it up to a mega-company to censor content and keep people from getting Sex. As you may have heard, Sex #1 wasn’t available on comiXology or the Image Comics Apps yesterday when it was supposed to be released, and now we know why.
Due to its No Sexual Content Policy (which still doesn’t explain why 400+ Sex Positions is available in the iPhone App Store, or why 50 Sex Tips for Him and Her can be found in the Books section, or why Open Source Sex is available in the Podcast section), Apple rejected Sex #1 from being sold through the two digital comics apps. Needless to say I’m a little frustrated from not being able to get Sex when I want it, and the no Sex policy smacks of an attempt to keep future Fredrick Werthams from being conceived.
Still, Image Comics has a solution for everyone desperate for digital Sex
Readers who wish to buy digital copies of SEX #1, which was in stores on March 6, and subsequent issues of the series, can purchase it on iBooks or directly from the the Image Comics website and then sync it to their iOS device and preferred app.
Again, Apple won’t allow Sex in the comics, but selling it directly to the reader through the iBooks store? Conflict of interest? That makes no effing sense.
AND if your local comic shop wouldn’t sell you Sex, Sex can still be found online. Auction sites are selling Sex for up to $125 a copy.
Never has it been so hard to get Sex.
And now I will stop all the Sex talk…
UPDATE: If you really want Sex, you can log into your comiXology account at the comiXology website and order Sex there, then when you launch the comiXology app, you can sync the book and have all the Sex you want.
Weird, it’s usually a lot easier to find Sex on the internet…. ;-)
Haha! Well played!
That’s weird, it’s on Comixology right now.
Well there you go. Apple knows what a good customer I am and now much I want Sex, so they modified their policy AFTER this post… Yay Us! Right?
Actually, not quite. It is available through comiXology’s website front, but not through the app (I just checked again). When I Tweeted comiXology yesterday asking why it wasn’t available on app the said the above about Apple and then said I could purchase it from the site and then download to my iPad after.
I don’t think there’s ever been a more exploitable title in comic book history, nor will there ever be again. So get Sex while you can.