The Zombies vs. Cheerleader series has been going since 2010, resulting in a seven issue series, four one-shots, and a trade paperback released from Moonstone Books. Now the horror series has found a new home at 3 Finger Prints.
Zombies vs Cheerleaders #1
(W) Steven L Frank, Rich Koslowski
(A) Everaert, Hebb, Mokhtar, Koslowski
40pgs, color, $3.99
Don’t miss the exciting re-launch of Zombies vs Cheerleaders! Always thrilling, pretty freaking funny and never disappointing, check out what all the commotion is about! Macabre humor featuring, it can never be overstated, two things everyone loves: zombies and cheerleaders! Featuring a hot wrap-around cover by superstar artist Mike DeBalfo!
DeBalfo (50%), Tyndall (25%), Carreon (25%)
You can find 3 FINGER PRINTS and ZOMBIES VS CHEERLEADERS in the January 2013 issue of the Diamond Previews.