As ABC’s Marvel’s SHIELD ramps up for production, a number of characters (new and old) will make appearances on the show, which means actors are going to be needed to bring them to life. While we know some of the actors who will appear, other faces are starting to appear on the credit list, including Ming-Na Wen, who many will know from ER.
Ming-Na will play Agent Melinda “The Calvary” May – a new character – who is described as “Soulful and slightly damaged by her combat experiences, Melinda is an ace pilot, a weapons expert and a soldier who can — and has — gone beyond the call of duty.”
I’ve already seen many fans jumping up and down wondering why ABC and Marvel aren’t using known SHIELD agents like Laura Brown, Edwin Darwin, or Phil Dexter, which the company owns outright. The short answer is “who knows,” but the longer answer more than likely involves phrases and keywords like synergy, product development, money, and the like. Keep in mine, fan favorite Phil Coulson was an original creation for the movies, and look how that turned out.