This custom engagement ring was seen on Geekologie last week showing just how geeky love can get. While the d10 specifically isn’t for me, I find the idea of such a personalized piece fitting. It seems this idea should be the norm instead of the oddity and story that it becomes. It does beg the question, if not a d10, what would you and your special someone use?
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Rob Rasmussen
I'm Rob. Gamer, geek, student, friend. I'm Trebor Srarcinth, Blazankar Mristari, and Bor, Immortal. You know one, but do you know the rest?
I’ve been on both the giving and receiving end of a GL ring as an engagement ring. It was a little surprising to be proposed to with one after I’d previously proposed to my late partner with one.
If I had the funds to get something decent made, I’d surprise my partner with Elvish influence (the sketch I have in my notebook incorporates several setting’s styles and runes rather than any specific one).
Partial to D4 myself, but that’s because it can double as caltrops. :D