It’s Saturday! So what does that mean? Cartoons! Now if you do wake up early to get your animation in then you have already seen this in pieces, but someone has graciously went in and smashed them all together. Take the jump to watch the complete “Batman of Shanghai” story.
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Gbs67ApxL4&w=560&h=315]Oh, Batman. So awesome. Want to touch your cowl. Fans have been going crazy over this adaptation of the Dark Knight, so hopefully DC and Cartoon Network realize what they have on their hands and go into full production. The least DC could do is give us another Else Worlds story circling around this concept.
via Geekscape
This was cool.
Although the least cool part about this was batman
Pretty awesome, the swift movements were very interesting to watch. It somehow seems like a movie combined with a high action video game. Did anyone else find Bane’s part kinda comical in style? And this Batman doesn’t seem totally human LOL.