The new Atomic Robo anthology series arrives in stores today, and here’s a sneak peek for you to check out, just to reaffirm your desire to pick up this book.
“It’s less an anthology and more a collection of stories from the little corners of Robo’s world,” series writer Brian Clevinger explained. “Every story we tell is part of the mythos of Robo, his world, and their histories. These are no different. Some of these stories are wholly original, like when Robo trained under Bruce Lee, while others are continuations of tales we already told.”
So glad to see the art is not off putting in this preview. I prefer Scott Wegener, but I can live with this.
Can’t wait until Friday when I can finally pick it up.
Hmmm I don’t know?
I like Robo as much as the next guy.
Im just not sure a ¨spin-off¨series without Wegener will rock my boat.
I will however buy this one. If not for anything else, the Dr. Dinosaur!