A new round of images for the upcoming Marvel Avengers Lego line have appeared, and they give us a better look at Iron Man’s big ol’ head.
What is really interesting about these images, isn’t how cool the Hulk looks, or the hairstyle of Black Widow, but the bad guys. We’ve heard and seen rumors that the Bads could be anything from Atlanteans, Frost Giants, Skrulls, Annihilus, and Fin Fang Foom.
Also, don’t read too much into the pictures of Wolverine, Magneto, and Deadpool. Unlike the DC property, the Marvel Lego appear to be a bit more diversified than the current Batman heavy DC Lego line.
I still prefer minimates, but I *DO* like Lego Hulk!
And any Marvel/Lego video games should be a blast!
Definitely getting that X-Men set… maybe getting the Ironman / Hawkeye / Loki truck set.
would do humiliating things for a lego Hulk!