This video is wrong on so many levels…Can you count them all?
Remember kids, nothing says misogynist like putting Wonder Woman in the kitchen to make sandwiches for everyone. If the One Million Moms need something to rally behind, this seems like a perfect chance.
Also, bologna… really? Gross…
On the plus side, the production value… no… that sucks, too.
See? I told you, Mayonnaise is a difficult word
Now I have iced tea all over my computer… kudos my friend, kudos…
This is what I sound like after a lot of drinks. Sadly I don’t look that good after drinking…
And yes, mayonnaise is a difficult word … like the number 33 …
That’s terrible.
But on a lighter note, if there’s ever a porn parody mixing both Octomom and the Clone Saga, she could be the one dies and never returns.
She’s welcome in my kitchen any time
Dear Major Spoilers,
Can I please have back the four minutes and six seconds I spent watching that? That was… wow. >.<
Concerned reader.
She was making a sandwich you say? Hmmm…I’ll have to watch it again.
I understand why you’re confused. At 1:10 instead of the camera focusing on her stirring, it’s focused on her chest. Then at 3:28 instead of focusing on the sandwich it’s focused on . . . well you get the idea.
That was wonderful, woman.
Dave II (Who is an actual chef.) Want’s the time it took to type this message back.
WTF? Thank God I type fast.
What was that all about?
Bologna goes on a bologna sandwich.
Original bologna was made of mule meat.
Just like Mortadella… after we left all those war mules behind after WWI.
Read a book… that doesn’t have colored panels.
Get rid of this bimbo!
And teach her to spell Provolone while you are at it.
I made a 6 foot super sub with Christopher Reeves before he got hurt.