Press Release
Exactly one week ago, the filmmakers behind Pulp, a sensational new movie comedy set in the world of comic books, released a trailer and controversial exclusive scene on YouTube. The scene, which gives a generation of Star Wars naysayers a voice in the form of despicable cop, Tyler Jake, has become an online sensation and has generated over 300,000 views – a record figure for a low-budget independent film.
In the scene, Tyler goes head-to-head with ‘Rock God’ comic book artist, Rick Bean, in an encounter that ends with only one of them standing. Pulp’s ‘Star Wars’ scene has had real-world audiences applauding and cheering, and online viewers are responding the same way.
Adam Hamdy, co-director of Pulp, said, “The clip we released was pretty controversial. It contains foul language and even fouler views on Star Wars. It’s the geek world equivalent of a knife fight and is really not for the faint-hearted.”
Independently financed, Pulp is building up a global following and a real head of steam. Recently nominated for the London Comedy Film Festival Discovery Award, Pulp, is a comedy feature film set in the irreverent world of comic book publishing.
Phil Bland, producer of Pulp said, “We recently screened Pulp to an audience of 1,200 people at the annual SFX Weekender and the reaction to the film was brilliant. This exclusive scene was our way of thanking everyone involved in making Pulp a success and giving our online audience a taste of what Pulp is all about.”
Pulp is a homage to movies and comic books and will be released soon. If you’d like to see more of Pulp, tweet, like, link, say what you think and help spread the word of Pulp. It’s more than a movie, it’s a way of life.
I must watch this. Probably multiple times. :D
Count me in.