Do we really need an excuse to show off art work by Adam Hughes? Really? Okay – With all the Intardwebz abuzz over the announced Before Watchmen event from DC Comics, we get our first look at the cover to Before Watchmen: Dr. Manhattan featuring Adam Hughes’ wonderful wonderfulness.
Comic Book Resources nabbed this image, but even with the watermark, this is a wonderful piece. And if the interior matches the cover, I’ll be lining up early for this one.
Glad they are keeping the color palette from the series. And I see what they did there with the new DC logo. Liking what they are doing!
Ummm….considering the fact that he’s naked and behind her that’s kind of an….interesting…cover.
yep… first thing on my mind too.
Looking at this cover made me realise that up til now there has only ever been ONE artist’s representation of these characters, but after this there will be 3 or 4 diff representations of Silk Spectre, Dr Manhattan, and everyone else.
Not sure how I feel about that……
Some day in the future we’re going to look back on this period in DC comics as a high water mark. Future nerd ragers will complain that things just haven’t been the since the tweens.