Dave Justus may be late to the game, but he’s moving ahead quickly, introducing readers to his Young Adult novel. Dave’s project is unique in that it is both a mystery for the reader, and a mystery for the rest of those participating in 30 Day Writing Challenge. Confused? We’ll let Dave explain, after the jump… or will he?
[Title Withheld]
by Dave Justus
The Clockwork contest dates coincide nicely with my deadline on the Young Adult novel I’ve been commissioned to write. Respecting the client’s wishes, though, means that I can’t really share any identifying details, nor post any excerpts. Suffice to say, it’s a thrilling murder mystery that, somewhere along the way, involves both an island and a canny female hacker. I will be publishing under the pseudonym “Stieg Larsson.”
Dave Justus is nobody you’ve ever heard of. His published works include a bit of DC/Vertigo’s House of Mystery #25 and the short story “The Next Day” in Electric Velocipede #21/22. He would not be surprised to learn that his inclusion in this contest is an elaborate hoax.
After reading this “tease” I’m beginning to think the last line of your bio is true…
For what it’s worth, every word of that tease is 100% true, except for the last two.