Diamond Select Toys has announced that the third wave of the Marvel vs. Capcom 3 Miminates are on the way, and is packed with all-stars on both sides.
Comic and specialty stores get in some of the biggest names in Marvel and Capcom history, as well as some of the two worlds’ toughest women:
– Captain America vs. Ryu (modern)
– Doctor Doom vs. Wesker
– She-Hulk vs. Chun Li (specialty exclusive)
– X-23 vs. Felicia (specialty exclusive)
Toys “R” Us will also carry two of those packs, but they’ll also get two sets all to themselves, made up of two gods and two monsters:
– Captain America vs. Ryu
– Doctor Doom vs. Wesker
– Thor vs. Amaterasu (TRU exclusive)
– MODOK vs. Akuma (TRU exclusive)
Each figure stands 2 inches tall and comes with interchangeable parts and weapons.