So the Major Spoilers Costume Contest deadline is quickly approaching, and though we have a ton of excellent entries this year, there is still time for you to enter and win an iPad2.
The one person who hasn’t entered the contest is Augsburgdiet1530, who last year built this awesome Skeksis costume based on the character from The Dark Crystal. Fortunately, he posted a video on YouTube where he scares the crap out of his friends.
One thing I never expected to see in my life was a Skeksis with a thick southern accent. Also, if any of you think this would be an awesome prank to play on me, guess again. A six foot tall Skeksis coming at me would experience two hits – me hitting it, and it hitting the floor… cause that’s how I roll in the face of extreme terror… You certainly won’t see me running in terror screaming like a little girl… nope… not me…
via YouTube
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I can’t stop re-watching this because the guy’s reaction just cracks me up.