While it is always interesting to learn about what comics you like to read on a weekly basis, it’s also interesting to learn where you read your comics.
Warning: Pregnant women, the elderly, and children under 10 should avoid prolonged exposure to the Robot Overlord. Robot Overlord may suddenly accelerate to dangerous speeds. The Robot Overlord contains a liquid core, which if exposed due to rupture, should not be touched, inhaled, or looked at. If Robot Overlord begins to smoke, get away immediately. Seek shelter and cover head. Do not taunt the Robot Overlord.
I voted Other because it’s more of a combo of some of the other answers, but usually while in the hospital. Usually I only am able to get comics on the way to one of my doctor appointments (as the closest comic shop is in the same town as most of the specialists I have to see). I also have to get a procedure done a couple times a year at least, so I’m always stocked up with some comics to read while I’m waiting and some to read while I’m coming off the anesthesia.
It’s kinda fitting, to be honest, as I learned to read while I was going through chemo as a kid and my older brother used comics as a means to get me to WANT to learn to read.
In bed reading my favorite comic one of the best ways to get comfortable. However when Nature calls numeral dos and the trip to the bathroom, then I grab my Dark Horse Collected Reprints of the Marvel Magazine Run of Conan the Barbarian…
I read my comics usually on my bed and sometimes in a chair. The only titles you should read in the bathroom are the ones you hate in case you need toilet paper.
I have to take a train and then a bus to get home from work, and the comic shop is dead-set in between (right outside of the subway station, near the bus stop). So I usually get my books there and read them on the way home.
I bought an ipad and I have comixology on my phone so I answered in bed, but really is while on the can, in the middle of a lecture, or while Im waiting for orders to come in at work.
Mostly in a comfy chair, but when I’m in the bathroom I’m usually reading comics, so I thought I’d be honest and vote bathroom.
I voted Other because it’s more of a combo of some of the other answers, but usually while in the hospital. Usually I only am able to get comics on the way to one of my doctor appointments (as the closest comic shop is in the same town as most of the specialists I have to see). I also have to get a procedure done a couple times a year at least, so I’m always stocked up with some comics to read while I’m waiting and some to read while I’m coming off the anesthesia.
It’s kinda fitting, to be honest, as I learned to read while I was going through chemo as a kid and my older brother used comics as a means to get me to WANT to learn to read.
Bed and bathroom to be perfectly honest.
In bed reading my favorite comic one of the best ways to get comfortable. However when Nature calls numeral dos and the trip to the bathroom, then I grab my Dark Horse Collected Reprints of the Marvel Magazine Run of Conan the Barbarian…
Bed, Chair, & Turlet.
At a table while eating my lunch. My old friend showed my this true way of reading comics about 15 years ago, and Im never going back.
The only time I get is on Wednesdays at work during lunch, so it “At a table/desk” for me. Works out good that all the new comics come Wednesdays.
I would never bring them into the bathroom. You do not what that odor to be bagged and boarded.
I read my comics usually on my bed and sometimes in a chair. The only titles you should read in the bathroom are the ones you hate in case you need toilet paper.
Well my chair is not so comfy, but is still a chair and that is where I read my comics 97.235% of the time.
Maybe it’s time I bought a new chair?
I expect “bed” to be the top answer among DC’s New 52 readers.
I voted table/desk, because it’s usually before my actuarial science class or during my computer science class on Wednesdays.
Digital comics I usually read on my Droid while I’m in the bathroom.
I read my comics where I do every other awesome thing: IN BED!
I chose other. My wife and I got a lovely set of leather couches when we got married. So comfy and classy!
i think there should have been an all of the above option.
Usually in bed, since that is about the only time I get with a newborn hanging around the house.
Like most married men who read comics, I have to read my comics in the bathroom. Its the only room I can get a few minutes to myself and read.
I have to take a train and then a bus to get home from work, and the comic shop is dead-set in between (right outside of the subway station, near the bus stop). So I usually get my books there and read them on the way home.
I bought an ipad and I have comixology on my phone so I answered in bed, but really is while on the can, in the middle of a lecture, or while Im waiting for orders to come in at work.
I usually read them in my car during my breaks at work.