Archie Comics sent Major Spoilers a sneak peek of Mega Man #5 that arrives in stores this week.
“Time Keeps Slipping” Part One:
The evil Dr. Wily may be in jail, but that doesn’t mean the adventures are over for Mega Man! Federal agents are investigating Dr. Light for ties to the Robot Masters’ rampage while sinister figures lurk in the shadows. And why does Dr. Wily look so smug in his jail cell? Don’t miss the beginning of the newest Mega Man adventure! Featuring a painted cover by fan favorite artist Greg Horn!
SCRIPT: Ian Flynn
ART: Chad Thomas, Rick Bryant, John Workman and Matt Herms
Cover by Greg Horn
Villain Variant Cover by Patrick “SPAZ” Spaziante
Shipping Date: 8/24/2011
On Sale at Comic Shops: 9/7/2011
Newsstands: Week of 9/13/2011
Comic, 32 pgs, 40 lb. glossy stock, Full-Color
$2.99 US