The Howling is one of the more intense werewolf movies from the ’80s, and with the Twilight crazies still going crazy, it makes perfect sense to bring The Howling back as The Howling: Reborn, and turn it all Twilighty… but with less sparkly vampires, which is a plus.
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Jack Trigger
Jack Trigger loves comics, and has for the last 10 years. His favorite books included Fables, Amazing Spider-Man, X-Men, Wonder Woman, and the Secret Six. Currently, Jack attends San Fernando Valley Community College, where he is studying film making.
Well, it looks better than the last Howling movie, and possibly the last four sequels before that one. I’ll probably watch it . . . like I ended up watching all the Howling movies.
Is this made for TV or fan made? I can’t tell. Also…that chick actually looks like that twilight girl in a few scenes…for a second. If I thought that…all those Tweens? will definitely get that vibe and move to the theaters in droves.
Trust me, i assure you, besides the high school back round, this is TRULY a traditional, old-school werewolf movie – the way it should always be! :)