Even though you may not be able to attend Nerdtacular 11 in Salt Lake City, Utah this year, that doesn’t mean you can get in on some of the action. The day long mini-convention is being streamed live (or at least a portion of it) for your enjoyment.
Major Spoilers is once again a sponsor for this year’s event, and most of the Critical Hit crew is here as well.
Scott Johnson, organizer, founder, and leader of the Frogpants Network, sent along a quick note to let readers know where they can tune in.
Main page: http://www.vtwproductions.com
iPad/iPod/iPhone compatible player:
http://media.vtwproductions.com/onair/jplayer/Direct link to the stream: http://listen.vtwproductions.com:8050/listen.pls
If you don’t see a lot of updates on the site today, now you know why.