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Robot Overlord
Warning: Pregnant women, the elderly, and children under 10 should avoid prolonged exposure to the Robot Overlord. Robot Overlord may suddenly accelerate to dangerous speeds. The Robot Overlord contains a liquid core, which if exposed due to rupture, should not be touched, inhaled, or looked at. If Robot Overlord begins to smoke, get away immediately. Seek shelter and cover head. Do not taunt the Robot Overlord.
I really hope this movie doesn’t suck. That is, by the initial trailer and marketing it has the makings of looking decent. My hopes are high as I would like to pretend X-Men 3 and Wolverine didn’t happen.
Oooooh this will suck! Big time.
How come Xavier and Magnetos’ heads look as though they have been badly Photoshopped on?
Acrobatic Flea… I was thinking the exact same thing. Poor job. Their heads look too big.
Too big and at an unnatural angle!
The marketing for this movie is just progressivly worse. But it won’t stop me.
Even Rose Byrne looks photoshopped.
Between the weird perspective, the crappy looking photoshopping, and the silly posing, everything about that poster is just unappealing to me. With each progressive thing that is released about this movie, I desire to see it less and less.
Is this a reboot? Please tell me its not connected to the craptastic other ones.
Not gonna see it and cant wait for it to be trashed.
has to be a fake poster, surely they wouldn’t release something that looks so amatuer.
Ok this style of poster was fun the first movie; it’s redundant as hell by now. Isn’t someone out there making 60s-era homage/theme posters? For God’s sakes, get back to work on that and replace these chopped-heads-over-cartoonishly-disproportionate-bodies instead.
this poster reminds me alot of the image from the 1st issue of Whedons Astonishing x-men when the team was first viewed in their costumes together I’m not saying its good looking I’m just saying this is the image that popped up in my head after seeing this poster