I’m pretty sure I remember some time ago that there was X-Men Anime series being produced for G4TV. With the Marvel/Animax series getting ready to kick off on Japan on April 1, it seems like a good time to see the characters in all their glory.
The storyline for the series was created by noted comic book scribe Warren Ellis and appears to be heavily influenced from the Grant Morrison New X-Men run as well as Joss Whedon’s two year stint on Astonishing X-Men. The series takes place one year after the death of Jean Grey and the dissolution of the team.
There isn’t a single design I actually like. They’re all very … dull.
I really don’t care for american comic institutions being carried over to Anime studios. It’s like putting a square peg in a round hole, the two cultures are so vastly different that they just don’t feel right and I am sure Anime fans would feel the same if we took Naruto and americanized it.
Uhm..Didn’t we? There’s a funky new version of Naruto that I think is just an american idea. Naruto Shippuden? I could be wrong..then again apparnetly Google is my friend i suppose.
Actually, you would be correct in most instances. I, however, would like to see what the US could do with the Japanese superheroes like Ultraman or Kamen Rider.
Naruto is americanized. It isn’t a direct traslation; Shippuden is Japanese; and anime stuff has already been americanized before Marvel did this. Battle of the Planets and Robotech ring a bell?
We did. And they do. Then M Night Shyamalan made it into a live action film. Now they’re not going to give us the secret to perpetual energy when they release it this Christmas season. Hence, the end of the world in 2012.
Who’s Hisako Ichiki?
She’s Armor. Also, Google is your friend. (just saying)
I just have to ask what the world is coming to when you can’t ask a comic related question on a comic site without being told to google it first. Ask google or ask MajorSpoilers. They both get you the answer so they are both correct.
Google and Wiki are not always our friends. Many things I’ve checked on websites turn out to be mis-informed or just plain wrong. Call me provencial but I prefer to still interact with people on asking questions rather than surfing.
Because it encourages laziness? The net is there for people to use. Use it. It’s almost as bad as the apathy that Top 40 listeners procure.
People procure apathy!? Do they pay money for it? Because I can generate bushels of it at will.
That is, without a doubt, one of the worst renderings of XMen characters I have seen in 40 years of being a comic reader. Beast is too tall and too upright, Wolverine is too tall and too bulky, Cyclops looks like he’s about to meet NorthStar at a leather bar and all of those uniforms look like they were stolen from a Chinese Army surplus store. Multiple “Feh!” here.
Just like Sam Kinison, “No I can dig a little deeper. Just when you thought it could not get any lower”. I’ve seen worse Transformers and The New Avengers comic Issue#2. If you want to see the worst Wolverine here’s a place that has a image of that awful cover…http://bwmedia.wordpress.com/2010/02/15/the-worst-wolverine-cover-ever/
Yay, free promotion! :)
Anyway, I really don’t have a problem with the looks of the anime-ed X-Men, except Wolverine seems a bit bulky (not as bad as in Belmont’s link, mind you), especially after the recent Wolverine anime (are all these in the same continuity or like the DC direct-to-video movies where they’re not?), but who is Hisasko? I don’t really follow the X-Men but I don’t recall her.
wow harsh comments. oh, well, I think it looked great and would like to see more. PEACE!
I think it looks at least kind of interesting.
Halli Berri look alike EWWWW YUK! They should have gone with mo-hawk storm.
Wolvie needs more muscles. I wonder if his love interest in this one will be Cyc.
They should have given Xaviers chair tentacles instead of wheels.
I think Scott, Beast, and Wolverine look okay. Storm….just looks odd with short hair. My ideal storm always has the long hair…and by cutting off her locks, you cut off a mode of ‘expression’ for Storm. her long hair communicated as much of her mood as did her face and body posture.
….oh well… before I can draw anything else from this, I think I will need to see Jean Grey First.
Storm had short hair in multiple story lines and many extremely different hair styles over the time she has been a part of the team. More than anyone else on the anime team her appearance has changed the most frequently in the comics. Storm is like the Rihanna of the X-Men. She had that look for a long time in the Ultimate X-Men.
Animation looks good, but then again it’s the story that makes a good anime.