On the next Major Spoilers Podcast, the crew takes a look at Tim Seeley’s Hack/Slash: My First Maniac from Image Comics.
Hack/Slash: My First Maniac explores 16-year-old Cassie Hack’s first case – she’s been forced to kill her mother, the undead murderer known as the Lunch Lady! Now faced with overwhelming guilt, she must decide if she can make a life with her foster parents and at her new school or if she should use her new-found slasher killing skills to save other screaming teenagers! But does the apple fall far from the tree?
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I met Tim Seely at a convention once, got him to sign the first issue of My First Maniac. Cool guy, great book. I’m loving his Ant-Man/WASP book, too.
I was first introduced to Tim Seely’s work on the Return to Wonderland comic by Zenescope … and quickly fell in love with his art style. Another comic that Zenescope published (but no longer does) called The Living Corpse, had a cross over with Hack/Slash for their Annual issue. It was here that I first fell in love with the Hack/Slash comic. When I heard that Tim Seely was returning to Hack/Slash, I thought: HOW COULD I LOSE!? Since then, I’ve gone back and collected a handful of Hack/Slash books and also picked up the My First Maniac issues. Being a new reader, I was so happy to hear that they were going back to tell an origin tale. I thought that this is the perfect place to jump into the series. And it definately is! I’m now eagerly looking forward to the origin tale for Vlad.
I’ve read and enjoyed some of the older limited series (she’s basicaly a girl Ash with Frankenstein’s monster as a sidekick), this particular arc felt like a forced “Year One” comic to me, specialy the last scene when she meets Vlad, I hate Year Ones. As I remember I stoped reading it because the damn tag “Hack/Slash – soon to be a major motion picture!” was killing me…
Just like Army of Darkness this series as A LOT or cross-overs with existing franchises and even more tropes, literaly every slasher film trope is used at some point.
It’s a fun read once in a while, but not something you need to follow from issue to issue, just look for a storyline/setting that seems interesting and wait for the trade.