This weekend on the Super Hero Squad Show, Thor becomes the king of Asgard. What happens next will surely involve the Enchantress, Loki, and more. Marvel sent Major Spoilers a gallery of images for the episode that hits the Cartoon Network at 6:30 AM on Saturday.
In an all-new episode of The Super Hero Squad Show premiering this Saturday at 6:30AM, the Squaddies find themselves in a bind when the Enchantress tricks Thor’s father and the reigning king of Asgard, Odin, into marriage, forcing Thor to take over the throne in the absence of his love-struck papa. The mayhem doesn’t stop there because Magneto is stirring up trouble and only his daughter, the Scarlet Witch, can put a stop to it! There are daddy dilemmas abound this Saturday at 6:30AM, only on Cartoon Network!
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I know it’s a kid’s show, but I have a serious problem with the characters only having three fingers and a thumb. In comic continuity, the thing has three fingers and a thumb already. Nightcrawler has two fingers and a thumb. If all characters are losing a finger, then this means Thing has two giant stubby rock fingers, and lacks the ability to flip people off. At the same time, Nightcrawler has these ridiculous lobster claws. Must suck to be a super hero.