Marvel Comics has announced that Kieron Gillen has been tapped by Marvel to head the Uncanny X-Men series beginning with issue #534.1.
“When I joined Matt [Fraction] on Uncanny, I believe I said I couldn’t be any more excited. I’ve been proved a shameful liar.” explains Gillen. “I’m even more excited now. When I look at what we’ve got planned, and knowing that I’m going to be writing it, I just lean back in my chair and cackle until my fiancée starts worrying about me.”
While Carlos Pacheco will provide the art for the #534.1 issue, Terry Dodson will provide the art beginning with issue #535.
When the public finds out that the former Mutant Menace, Magneto, is not only sitting off the coast of San Francisco, but an X-Man – there will be some explaining to do. Then, fan-favorite artist Terry Dodson joins Gillen for an all new explosive arc, beginning in Uncanny X-Men #535!
1 Comment
This kinda sucks as I hate Generation Hope to the point that it’s the only X-Verse book I don’t get. I just dropped it after 3 issues! :(