Marvel has hired Rich Wilkes to draft a screenplay based on the companies Iron Fist character. This is according to Mike Fleming over at Deadline, who has been on the nose before with his Marvel news. This goes along with the news that Disney if finally ready to start distributing some of the Marvel movie line with Dr. Strange and now Iron Fist in the rotation.
Wilkes is the brains behind the xXx franchise, and considering Iron Fist will need some intense action and plenty of Kung-Fu fighting, I’m all for seeing what Marvel/Disney can do with the character.
Iron Fist AND’ Powerman.
You can’t do a standalone movie with either of those guys. They are like Ted and Booster, Mr. Miracle and Big Barda, Batman and DAAAARK VENGEANCE!
Proof against this Immortal Iron Fist by Brubaker and Fraction. Cage is in it but he’s certainly not the co-star.
I would agree, but the Brubaker run takes the character very seriously. (And does it well) Having the xXx guy do the movie just means we are going to see some poor Rodriguez/Tarantino imitation. Mark my words they are going to try to do a cheesy 70s style Kung-Fu flick. (And Powerman might make that more tolerable)
They should have Sam Jackson wearing a yellow silk shirt and an afro and tiara and all that and he should do the thing from Mortal Kombat 3 when you’d score a big combo against a foe and that picture of the designer or whoever would pop out from the side of the screen and say “Monty!” or whatever he said, but in this when Iron Fist did something awesome or when trouble started, he’d pop in from the side and just yell “SWEET CHRISTMAS!” That is if they’re going to do a ’70s style Barry Gordy’s Last Dragon chop socky kind of movie.
I do think that this movie could stand alone if they really develop his personality as well as his backstory, because I don’t know much about him, and the general public doesn’t either I’d say, so they won’t know what he’s about. If they bring him out like he’s the baddest dude on the streets of New York (Sho’nuff!) then it could work. I just don’t want them to go the Green Hornet route, I haven’t even seen the movie yet and I just don’t want it to be taken as a jokey comedy type action movie.
my gf has the same shoes
(JackBlackasFatCobra JackBlackasFatCobra JackBlackasFatCobra, please please please)
As long as we get a good, solid Kung Fu treatment of Iron Fist, I’m totally on board.