The brand new season of Star Wars: The Clone Wars kicks off September 17, 2010 on the Cartoon Network, and LucasFilm sent Major Spoilers a new trailer that kicks the battle between good and evil up a notch or ten, as a new big bad is revealed.

Gotta love that John Williams theme making an appearance in the trailer. Would be great to hear more of it in the show.
Looks great. Anakin is better in this than the prequels. Ahsoka is good too but I fear she will be killed off before the end.
Every new episode just gets better and better. Looking forward to any glimpses of the Republic Commandos of Delta Squad, the new ARC Troopers, and new baddie Savage Oppress. Read those Star Wars: Republic issues of Kamino being attacked in the early phases of the Clone Wars in Dark Horse but this new attack looks epic.