AAM/Markosia plans to offer up a different take on super-heroes this October with Hero: 9 to 5. The company claims this will be a “fresh, funny take on the idea of real world super heroes.”
More information on the series, and a teaser trailer for the book, after the jump.
Welcome to a world where being a super hero is just another job.
A world where the rich can afford comprehensive hero protection policies that ensure that the best heroes will come to their aid in an emergency. The poor, however, have to make-do with protection from government sponsored agencies with limited resources whose staff are…shall we say…a little less heroic.
Jacob Reilly, aka Flame-O, is just one such hero, an everyday guy who just happens to be able to shoot flames from his hands. He didn’t want to be a super hero, he wanted to be a musician, but he wasn’t good enough to make a living at it. So he ended up getting a job at “Heroes For Zeros,” a government sponsored hero agency. So, Jacob clocks on, works nine to five (unless he’s short on cash and does overtime or, worse, a night shift) and fights z-list villains for a pathetic pay cheque.
Despite being a super hero, Jacob has all the problems of regular folk — an irritating boss, bills to pay, professional jealousy, and also certain problems that are unique to his profession…like the fact that his girlfriend is also his alter-ego’s nemesis, Frostica (and she’s insanely jealous of his teenaged sidekick, Pink Girl).
AAM/Markosia plans to offer up a different take on super-heroes this October with Hero: 9 to 5. The company claims this will be a “fresh, funny take on the idea of real world super heroes (i.e, girls with balloon boobs.”
Between the gravity/geometry defying boobs, the butt cheeks hanging out of the suits, the seemingly topless blonde, and the bondaged up girl … I wonder what type of comic this will be. -_-
Not to mention that the protagonist’s code-name is “Flame-O”.
Indeed …
I hope they can channel some of the UK’s No Heroics show, but with a little heroics added in.
Oh my….
Does that girl in the pink even have a shirt on? Judging by the other designs, I’d say no. Ew, creepy. This isn’t feeling like a “fresh, funny take”; it feels like it’s a step away from recycled Penthouse Comix.
Hero: T n’ A.
I think the idea could be fun.
The names and depiction of females undermines the comic’s credibility.
And even if I was down on my luck, I wouldn’t solicit a business called “Heroes For Zeros”.
Wow, this is such an original and interesting take on the hero genre! Or it would have been if Image hadn’t done “Capes” 7 years ago…
So there have a teen girl sidekick and think it’s okay to call her “Pink Girl?” What, was the name Cherry Lass taken? Creeeeeepy.
I’m gonna go ahead and say that perhaps its meant to be over the top? Looking at the preview pages it seems a satirical piece rather than a high concept work.
I like the look of it, but then I’m biased.
Yeah from what I’ve seen in the preview it is definitely sending up the very things you are all claiming it’s doing. I’d say give it a chance, there’s a good chance it is about female empowerment rather than sexual oppression.