Marvel is planning to release a four-issue mini-series based on the Avengers Earth’s Mightiest Heroes animated show airing on Disney XD in the fall. The mini-series is written by Chris Yost with art by Patrick Scherberger and Atomic Robo artist Scott Wegener.
When the world’s most evil villains attack, Captain America and Thor must join forces to stop them! Plus, don’t miss a second story featuring everyone’s favorite archer: Hawkeye!
The first issue arrives in November, and is priced at $3.99.
Might be a good stepping stone for younger readers. Also, nice to see more of Scott Wegener’s art. So far, so good, Marvel. Or Disney? Misney? Darvel?
Forget it. Either way, we’ll see how it turns out. May be buying my nephew these.
By Hemidall’s eyes! Mine arms are so large that I cannot bend them!
ehh. Young Justice FTW