At the San Diego Comic Con, many people were asking about the New Power Man. Who is he? Where is he from? What powers and abilities far beyond those of mortal man does he have?
The answer, Dear Spoilerite, can be found in Shadowland: Power Man #1 from Fred Van Lente and Mahmud Asrar.
Marvel released an early look at the issue, that you can see after the jump.
Written by Fred Van Lente
Penciled by Mahmud Asrar
Cover by Mike Perkins
A new Power-Man has arrived! Who is this mysterious would-be hero and what can he do to oppose Daredevil, leader of the Hand?! Can Luke Cage and Iron Fist intercept the new Power Man before The Hand gets a hold of him? Find out in Shadowland: Power Man #1!
The $3.99 issue arrives August 18, 2010.
Can’t I just have the old Iron-Fist book back. This looks bad. That costume is horrible. Ugh.
I wonder if his Roller Derby outfit is giving him the powers or what exactly they’re going to call his powerset. For a Power Man he is at least rocking a variation on the chain belt, but alas, no tiara.