If you were ever forced to read the book when you were younger, or had the chance to watch the Disney short adaptation, here’s your chance to see a feature length movie of adapting Wind in the Willows.
There’s not much to see, I was really hoping to see a better look at Mr. Toad or at least a look at the world the creatures will inhabit, but at least it isn’t a Tim Burton production (although it does look like it).
“If you were ever forced to read the book when you were younger”
Well at least your not still bitter about it.
Uh…I don’t remember anything in the book seeming so…evil.
Toad definately has a maliciousness to him. The weasels too.
I was lucky enough to visit the WETA cave in New Zealand when I was there and they are fantastic. It’s a spoilerites dream.
Incidently, the cricket like insect that walks along with you a way is a Weta. Geek moment over. (yeah right!)
Really? Malicious?
I’d buy thoughtless or capricious, but he never sets out to deliberately do harm to anyone.