We’re looking for kick-ass images for the Art Appreciation Moment of the Day, and Chris Stevens hits it out of the park with this image of the Hulk and the Thing kicking ass.
Yep..another Hulk piece. You won’t hear me complaining though. He’s always a blast to draw. Ben can be tedious with all those damn rocks, but I love the character and the results are always kinda cool, so I’m happy to do another one. This was my attempt at a Bernie Wrightson layout. Everything piled up on the left side and totally vertical. It was a fun piece.
Prismacolor/Copic markers with color pencil and watercolor on vellum bristol board.
1 Comment
That’s fantastic! I want a print of that to put in my 2-year-old’s room. He loves the Hulk, well him and Plastic Man.