While there are many pieces of cool jewelry worn by heroes of the world, this week’s poll of the week wants to know which of the following you would prefer to wear.
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Stephen Schleicher
Stephen Schleicher began his career writing for the Digital Media Online community of sites, including Digital Producer and Creative Mac covering all aspects of the digital content creation industry. He then moved on to consumer technology, and began the Coolness Roundup podcast. A writing fool, Stephen has freelanced for Sci-Fi Channel's Technology Blog, and Gizmodo. Still longing for the good ol' days, Stephen launched Major Spoilers in July 2006, because he is a glutton for punishment. You can follow him on Twitter @MajorSpoilers and tell him your darkest secrets...
No contest. How is a ring that lets you fly and communicate with others compare with a ring that lets you fly, communicate with others, & translate languages, build constructs, travel at hyperspace etc . . .
Although, the green lantern ring does have those rules set down by the smurfs. Nope, I’m willing to take those restrictions. It’s like having and Iphone and complaining abotu AT&T. You still want the Iphone.
I thought about that and decided to give whomever thought of this poll the benefit of the doubt. Which I think means this has to be about more than the rings, and likely therefore which organization one would want to be a part of. GL rings are obviously the better choice, but I would rather be a Legionnaire than a Lantern… So I voted Legion.
Same here — I’d much rather be a Legionnaire than a GL!
This was a hard one for me. I love the GL Corps and the Legion, though the Legion holds a warmer spot in my heart. Still, as a tech geek I had to judge according to features. The GL ring can do all the Legion ring can do and more. Besides, what would my Legion name be, Caffeinated Kid?
I think aerspyder just said everything I was trying to say and just pulled it off way better.
except for my spelling. }8^{J>
I had to go with the Legion. LONG LIVE THE LEGION! Though the Legion will put you to task, tease you and overall make you doubt your self worth, I’d rather have that then people trying to kill me. From Black Lanterns, members of the Sinestro Corp., Paralax Hal Jordan, and then on top of it taking orders from smurfs. I have no problems taking orders from Saturn Girl, but from pink roach man with clip board, Salaak? Screw that.
I picked the GLC ring, but, I wish for a write-in: The Superfriends Wonder Twins rings!
Thing rings, do your thing!
This poll really should say, “I loving memory of Rond Vidar.”
As a Legion virgin (there, I said it) I’m gonna go with the GL Ring.
I didn’t vote about their powers. I go green because it looks cooler!
No neither? How about a big X on a ring as I don’t really want either?
If I had to GL ring I suppose, but if we’re going with cheap 70’s style jewellery I’ll take the eye of agamoto please!
Legion ring wins automatically its yellow :)
Chances are, I am going to have another cool power like Mon-El’s, Timber Wolf, or Super Karate if I have the Legion ring. I am also going to hang out with Phantom Girl, Princess Projecta and Triplicate Girl who can make three of herself. Advantage….Legion….and yes I really want the Super Karate Power. Plus GL’s usually fly through space alone…seems boring. Legionaires hang out in the Legion Cruiser, and sometimes get lost with Shrinking Violet or Dream Girl.
You could also end up as Arm-Fall-Off Boy, or Matthew’s Meteor Attractor Lad.
The GL power ring the way Mike Grell drew it or Alan Scott’s starheart ring.
What? No choice for Harold Saxon’s ring?
I have been a Legion fan since almost the first comic I read. The Green Lantern ring can do much more but I would love to be a member of the Legion. Besides, it has all the hot girls.
And some pretty hot guys as well! ;)
June 29, 2010 at 11:35 am
I have been a Legion fan since almost the first comic I read. The Green Lantern ring can do much more but I would love to be a member of the Legion. Besides, it has all the hot girls.
Except for Lad Lass. Stay away from…..her?!
I was definitely thinking more of Shrinking Violet or Dawnstar.
Legion ring. I don’t care if the Green Lantern ring is more versatile; if you have that Legion ring, then odds are that you’ve EARNED it. You already have some sort of super power, and you have the right stuff to be a great hero. By the current standards, all you have to do to earn your GL ring is overcome your fears by, say, braving the house of birds at the zoo to get over your aviophobia. It just takes more to qualify for that “L*”.
Agreed. Where once I felt the Green Lantern title was something significant, the recent acquisition of a ring by Earth-Man has caused me to lose faith in the dignity of possessing one.
I’d rather come before the Legion voting panel and have to prove what I’m made of.
GL ring, no contest, why?
“In brightest day, through blackest night, no other corps shall spread it’s light, let’s those who try to stop what’s right, burn like my power, GREEN LANTERN’S LIGHT!”
I LOVE The oaths! Plus, legion ring means Brainy knows were I am at all times, making the whole stab him in the ear for behind a d-bag that much harder…
I’d rather have a yellow ring thou, I’m surprised this wasn’t “which color of the spectrum better defines you, choose a color ring” type of deal.
With no disrespect to the legion, their rings can’t create scantily clad french maids.
Found it:
Giant Green Fist vs an L. No contest. Big Green Douche Bag all the way.
My love for the Legion knows no bounds (seriously, there’s a restraining order) but it comes down to what is most important and the Green Lantern ring simply looks cooler.
I actually have a John Stewart Green Lantern custom ring which is actually silver, not green, but it looks cool nonetheless.
I’d like to see a pic of that ring.
Great screen name, btw. Extra points if your real name is Sam.
Long Live the Legion!
The promise of wish-fulfillment is luring people to “the green side”. Being a Legionaire would be way more fun with much cooler friends.
Think how much fun a cookout would be with the Legionaires. Sun Boy could cook the burgers. Shadow Lass could provide just the right amount of shade. Dawnstar would kill at volleyball.
Definitely a pool party for the ladies. No cannonballs from Blok or Bouncing Boy.
Yeah, but as a GL, if you wanted to have a pool party, Mogo throws one helluva bash!
All due respect to Matthew and his Legion love, but even as his roommate with innumerable lessons in Legion continuity, I still couldn’t get into that book. I actually managed to read and enjoy GL for a couple of years, so I went with the Green Ring. If I had my ultimate choice it would of course be Alan Scott’s ring…
The green lantern ring is like the Ipad of the DC universe. It does it all and everyone wants one. Also, with all due respect, Hal is cooler than all of the Legion members.
The Ipad doesn’t do shh–quat… And Hal is not cooler than … Well Hal isn’t cooler than anyone. John Stewart and Guy Gardner are pretty epic though.
I’d be happy to be G’nort Esplanade G’neesmacher to tell you the truth. I’ll even go to Antarctica and fight off Pirahna Penguins for my GL ring. The Legion’s alright, but in a pinch, I still think I’d rather have the GLC standing in my corner. I’ll take a Kilowog in my corner any day. Although on the flipside, a Green Lantern power ring is only effective if you have the requisite Willpower to control it (and not just a measle arrow before feeling like you just had a baby), so if you’re 400 pounds or more, I’m thinking you might want to go with the Legion ring cause willpower ain’t sumthin you got.
While it’s not a ring, does anyone think that Gary Coleman is now running around as a little angel that can look like a regular kid if he just puts his halo away? Just wondering, cause that halo could be handy.
Doesn’t a GL ring essentially do everything a Legion ring does and then some? GL all the way.
I think it would be easier to convince my future wife of letting me wear the GL ring than the Legion ring. As I’ve been told Yellow doesn’t usually work well.
I know the Green Lantern ring comes with lots of Rules, performance issues, and Micro Managers. The Legion cannot be that bad could it?
Yeah, but the downside to the Legion might be that as soon as you got really comfortable with your teammates and start to feel like you really fit in, you’d just get rebooted and you’d end up with chicken hair and smudges on your cheeks.