This episode: The Mucus Men of Tuberville attack! Will anyone die this week?
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Great eppy, is it me or do the last 8 or so minutes repeat themselves?
P.S.- Snot jokes, I can’t believe you guys actually went there… then again “Hellz Yeah” and “Naw Dawg” are there right at the left of the screen.
Good Episode guys!!!!
First Official Member of the Critical Hitiats!
I am showing my D&D ignorance here, and I know you stifled some previous comments about her in last episode’s comments section, but what race and class is Missy/Queenie/The Queen’s Rebellious Daughter? I’m presuming she’s a Deva due to Rodrigo’s initial description of her, but is she too an artificer?
If there is an ‘all will be revealed’ moment later in the story, please feel free to disregard this question. You all are great storytellers, and I don’t want to jump ahead.
stifling previous comments? you make it sound like we broke into people’s houses and unplugged their computers. The only time we ever do that is when Stephen’s porn downloads 10,000 viruses onto our servers.
Funny that you’d think she’s an artificer, Rob and D&D Brian told me she had a definite Bard feel.
Sorry for the poor choice of words Rodrigo, didn’t mean to offend. I just didn’t know how quiet you were keeping her story.
The artificer conclusion was drawn mainly because of her relationship to Thoni (spelling?) and her wand as a research device. But the Harmonic nature of the wand could point to bard.
Also, thanks for the response!
The tuning fork as a weapon reminded me of of Engendros, you know, the now dead blond void cultist Torq finally killed 2 eppisodes ago.
I thought she was a snotty pole dancer…
I also thought Artificer or bard…but more than that I sensed Deva due to her…different natures. Then the tuning fork came out and I decided in my own mind that she was a TimeLord. Maybe she isn’t but when we swapped over to Eberron I made a Deva (regeneration) Artificer that uses a Tuning Fork (sonic implement) wand and explained him as a TimeLord type of fella.
Great ep crew; I’m really into the series now!
Rodrigo – interesting you don’t “roleplay” your NPC’s so much; I feel certainly your close-to-death ‘smart guys’ as Tork puts them might be a little more aware of their own sense of impending death, c.o. axe-to-face!
Maybe just ‘putting on voices’ isn’t your thing :)
Hey Guys!
I am a BIG fan of the Show!, and am loving it! Can’t wait to get home every Saturday after work to see what has happened to the group. Just Wondering, you guys are from all different age groups and looks like from all over the country (Matthew), I was wondering how you guys got together to do the show/how you knew each other. (Don’t mean to get to personal, just curious). Keep up the good work, and I think Wizard of the Coast should give you guys a huge budget because I have bought a number of their books because I was intrigued when you guy brought up some interesting tidbits of information here and there.
Thanks again!!
-David in Seattle
Man, I’m a new fan of the podcast. I love it but one thing keeps bugging me. I feel like at least once an episode (sometimes more) there is the somewhat quiet boop-boop noice. Not like a high boop warning noise but more like dropping a big rock into some water…the bloop noise that would make but without the “L”. BOoOP BOoop is how I imagine its spelled out.
I believe that’s Skype acting up and dropping me from the call.
I started listening to these episodes a couple of weeks ago. Let me say that I ABSOLUTELY love the shows! I love the story line so far and I very much enjoy the details. Most shows would say something and not explain it but was very excited to hear that you guys actually explained what you were doing and what the spells and abilities do and etc..
My only issue is that the pictures for this episode and the previous episodes are not showing :-( I looked ahead and saw that the pictures are on future episodes but it just sucks that they are not on these previous episodes.
Keep up the good work guys!
Welcome Terry!