This episode: Continuing the fight from the previous episode, one wonders if the Big Bad will get away yet again…
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Cool eppy!
Tony: “What are you gonna do, throw it at people?” This would take projectile vomiting to new heights…
Ok, what happened to Torq’s half-orc resilience? You DO know it’s inexcusable not to know your character’s power right? ; p
P.S.- I can’t believe Torq missed getting his puppy by not blowing the ocarina.
Ok, what happened to Torq’s half-orc resilience? You DO know it’s inexcusable not to know your character’s power right?
The resilience only kicks in when Torq is bloodied. I have upgraded my character sheet to one which clearly reminds me of this power EVERY SINGLE TIME I do anything, thanks to the magic of Excel. It should be much more consistent than my usual tendency to wing it.
Minute 8:10, a certain grey 3/4 orc gets bloodied, just saying…
You should also keep in mind this was recorded back in early January, before Matthew upgraded his character sheet to the Exel one. Things should be normal in a few more episodes…
I was going more for the whole “it’s inexcusable” running gag Matthew has been doing for the last few eppies then the actual power.
Ooh, using excel is a pretty sweet idea for that type of thing.
That’s cool, but don’t 2 or 3 members of the group have D&D Insider memberships? They could easily provide you with a full character sheet that has all of those fiddly bits already figured in.
That’s cool, but don’t 2 or 3 members of the group have D&D Insider memberships? They could easily provide you with a full character sheet that has all of those fiddly bits already figured in.
You might be surprised to know that, while I know Stephen from our college days, I have never had any face-to-face contact with any of the other players in the game. :)
This is one of my favourite episodes in a while. Very nice balance of dramatic moments early on and comedic ones, like the line above (although my personal favourite was Evil Guy: “I’m sorry are you not aware that your ears were still pointy?” and Torq’s nod to ‘how the other half live’ “…and all that did was have four guys locked in a fort being eaten by giant spiders, or so I might have heard.” and then “…I’m kidding, you’re my doggie pal.” in reference to our lycanthropic friend who aparently is going to teach Torq some Magic. (Remember Torq: upkeep, untap, draw – and watch out for blue mages, they’re rather ninjer-like.)
Was just wondering which feats Brian/Randis has for his artificer? Thanks
Waitaminute… did Randis and Torq just get a puppy?
A great episode. Yes, I rated you 5 stars on Itunes. Rodrigo definitely needs more acting bits. Keep as much of the humor as possible, it really adds something other podcasts miss. The humor is great, but the thing I really like to see is how you take chances with character and plotlines. It really adds dimensions to the game that some might miss. More than simply “kill the monsters, get the loot, level up, repeat.” It allows your listeners to see what works and what doesn’t from a larger perspective. Everyone likes surprises – vomiting magic marbles are hilarious. Just don’t do that to MY character!
Oh yea- and you definitely need a name for your merry band of adventurers. I see an online submission contest coming…….”Name the group and YOU can star in a podcast episode of Critical Hit!!”.
The party does have a name already…
Torq and the Torqueltones has always been what they’ve been called so far. Not sure if it’s been in-universe or not, but yeah – that’s pretty much the name.
So do I win, Stephen?
My bad.
NPCs (non-player characters) have also been referring to the group as ‘The Fated’ every now and again.
So my sons found a pair of onyx dogs in their last session. (sometimes treasure parity is important), but I spun them such that the first time each is used by a new owner. the owner holds a name and image in his mind on the type of creature they want. (anything up to dog sized or maybe a little bigger) When the creature is called forth it takes on the form desired and the new name as the underlying being is a formless extraplanar entity. One son stuck with dog and the other picked a wolf. For the wolf I replaced the dogs special ability with a special at-will attack where if the wolf has combat advantage due to flanking it can make a hamstring attack which does an extra d6 and slows (due to the removal of the Achilles tendon)(also the enemy has to have legs, you can’t hamstring an ooze) Not to try and know the mind of Rodrigo but the current Dragon magazine has an article on Figurines of Wondrous Power. Plus I’ve been reading about Drizzt Do’urden lately.
Is it my imagination or did Matt make a Strikeforce Morituri reference? I’m sorry, I’ve got nothing to add, but that stuck in my head.
Is it my imagination or did Matthew make a Strikeforce Morituri reference? I’m sorry, I’ve got nothing to add, but that stuck in my head.
It’s been awhile since this show, but the answer is “probably.” Which reference are we referring to?
This was a standout episode, guys. I loved it when Torq switched to all-serious hard-ass mode with the villain of the encounter. Orim kicking the guy made me laugh, too.
Best part for me, though, was when Smith asked the bad guy how he knew he was a shifter, the bad guy says, “um, you’re all wolf-y right now” and Smith says, “Oh, yeah!! Uh… Rawr.”
I love when people remember Strikeforce: Morituri. It was such a cool series and was definitely ahead of its time. Marvel really needs to collect it, even if it’s just in B&W Essential tpbs.