I know you are all just dying to know what project Zac Efron is working on next, and according to Deadline Hollywood, he’ll be working on Fire for Universal Pictures. The movie is based on Brian Michael Bendis’ graphic novel that follows a college student recruited by the CIA. Problem is, the program trains expendable agents.
Bendis is writing the script.
Dude, that pic of Zac Efron is your desktop background isn’t it?
Unfortunately, I didn’t know who Zac was until you pointed me toward that folder on your server…
Does this mean that Zac Efron is going to die…
I’m so incensed by this blatant objectification. Why whenever they show a character like this they have to show so much skin, and emphasise the blah blah blah…
You see just how whiney that is?
Gayest. Picture. Ever.
(Not that there’s anything wrong with that.)