I’m a big fan of those who can make something stunning with a single color. And if the subject is Jessica Rabbit, then red is the color to use.
One of several custom drawings I did for my “TALL” sketchbook, earlier this year. This one of Jessica Rabbit! Large sized Canson art paper (19 x 24 I believe, cut in half). Faber-Castell PITT artist Pens (Mostly S, XS and the fat B!) for the blacks & line-work, Sharpie Poster-Paint Extra Fine Point for the opaque highlights.
love J. Scott Campbell’s work.
Point of order: Black. White. Red. That’s three colors.
(Or, if you’d like to nitpick my nitpick, it’s one color, one ‘all-the-colors’ and one ‘absence of color’)
She ver’ nice-Zimmerman does a great Jessica but NSFW by any means.